

皇冠新现金网 Recognized for Equitable Course Placement

image with solid green background 和 text that reads 卓越的安置

The Campaign for College Opportunity will recognize 皇冠新现金网 和 55 other California 社区 Colleges at the second annual 卓越的安置 颁奖典礼. 社区 college campuses will be honored for implementing l和mark placement policy AB 705, championed by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin 和 signed into law in 2017.

皇冠新现金网 will be recognized for its campuswide transfer-level 英语 enrollment, as well as for earning equity designations for supporting 100% of Black 和 Latinx students to enroll directly in transfer-level 英语. Equitable placement practices have proven to be highly consequential for increasing access to transfer-level coursework, maximizing student success, 和 closing racial/ethnic equity gaps. By  starting in transfer-level 英语, completion rates have tripled for Black students 超过 doubled for Latinx students

在AB 705之前 绝大多数 of incoming community college students were placed into remedial math 和 英语 courses that ultimately discouraged 和 derailed students from their goals. 在一个 十年研究 has shown that students’ likelihood of earning a degree decreases when they start college in remedial courses.

“As we celebrate the record number of California community colleges that are placing students in transfer-level courses, we must remember that equity 和 success for all students, particularly Black 和 Latinx students, must be at the forefront of our efforts. These colleges are leading the way in providing equitable access to higher education 和 ensuring that we break down barriers to student success,” said Michele Siqueiros, president of the Campaign for College Opportunity. “By providing students with the support 和 resources they need, we are making it clear that their college dreams are a priority, 和 we are helping to build a stronger, more prosperous California. 毕竟, California succeeds when students complete college 和 earn a degree, certificate or transfer to a university as a result of a stronger 和 smoother pathway.”

“We applaud the record number of community colleges (56) being recognized for their achievement in supporting students to access 和 succeed in transfer-level coursework – many of which are being recognized in several categories. These colleges are improving the college experience of thous和s of students across California. We urge our state 和 college leaders to continue removing barriers for students 和 further close racial/ethnic equity gaps for students by ensuring strong equitable placement practices on their campus,西奎罗斯总结道. 


Campuswide Transfer-Level 英语 Enrollment California 社区 Colleges supporting 100% of their students to enroll directly into transfer-level 英语 coursework.

  • 山麓的大学

  • 圣马特奥学院

  • 尔湾谷学院

  • 加拿大的大学

  • 地平线上大学

  • Lake Tahoe 社区 College

  • Cuyamaca大学

  • Los Angeles Valley College

  • 峡谷学院

  • 伯克利市立学院

  • Grossmont大学

  • 帕萨迪纳城市学院

  • 哥伦比亚大学

  • San Joaquin Delta College

  • College of the Siskiyous

  • Solano 社区 College

  • Clovis 社区 College 

  • 帕洛学院

  • 富勒顿学院

    • 柑橘类大学

    • 西洛杉矶学院

    • West Hills College Lemoore

    • Barstow 社区 College

    • 莫雷诺谷学院

    • West Hills College Coalinga

    • 红杉学院

    • 皇冠新现金网

    • Porterville大学

    • 红杉学院

    • 康特拉科斯塔学院

    • 维德谷学院

    • 艾伦汉考克学院

    • 泄洪道大学

    • 莫德斯托大专

    • Los Angeles Southwest College

  • 我的大学


Equity Designation: Latinx Transfer-Level 英语 Enrollment - California 社区 Colleges supporting 100% of Latinx students to enroll directly into transfer-level 英语.

  • 艾伦汉考克学院

  • 美国河学院

  • Barstow 社区 College

  • 伯克利市立学院

  • 皇冠新现金网

  • 加拿大的大学

  • 峡谷学院

  • 柑橘类大学

  • Clovis 社区 College

  • Coastline 社区 College

  • 哥伦比亚大学

  • 康特拉科斯塔学院

  • Cuyamaca大学

  • 山麓的大学

  • 富勒顿学院

  • Grossmont大学

  • 尔湾谷学院

  • Los Angeles Southwest College

  • Los Angeles Valley College

  • Lake Tahoe 社区 College

  • 莫德斯托大专

  • 莫雷诺谷学院

  • 泄洪道大学

  • 帕洛学院

  • 帕萨迪纳城市学院

  • Porterville大学

  • 红杉学院

  • 我的大学

  • San Joaquin Delta College

  • 圣马特奥学院

  • 圣安娜学院

  • 圣地亚哥峡谷学院

  • 红杉学院

  • College of the Siskiyous

  • 地平线上大学

  • Solano 社区 College

  • 胜利谷学院

  • West Hills College Coalinga

  • West Hills College Lemoore

  • 西洛杉矶学院


Equity Designation: Black Transfer-Level 英语 Enrollment – California 社区 Colleges supporting 100% of Black students to enroll directly in transfer-level 英语.

  • 美国河学院

  • Barstow 社区 College

  • 伯克利市立学院

  • 皇冠新现金网

  • 峡谷学院

  • 喜瑞大学

  • 柑橘类大学

  • Clovis 社区 College

  • Coastline 社区 College

  • 康特拉科斯塔学院

  • 克拉夫顿山学院

  • Cuyamaca大学

  • 德安扎学院

  • East Los Angeles College

  • 山麓的大学

  • 富勒顿学院

  • 金西学院

  • Grossmont大学

  • 尔湾谷学院

  • Los Angeles Southwest College

  • Los Angeles Valley College

  • 拉斯波西塔斯学院

  • 莫德斯托大专

  • Moorpark大学

  • 莫雷诺谷学院

  • Mt. 圣哈辛托学院

  • 泄洪道大学

  • 帕洛佛得角学院


密封   密封


关于 Campaign for College Opportunity: The Campaign for College Opportunity is a California non-profit bipartisan policy 和 research organization focused on a single mission: to ensure all Californians have an equal opportunity to attend 和 succeed in college to build a vibrant workforce, 经济与民主. For more information, visit www.CollegeCampaign.org, 脸谱网.com/CollegeCampaign 或遵循 @CollegeOpp.



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